Sunday, June 13, 2010

I decided to have a whiff of fresh air from another blogging host - Wordpress.
You can find me blogging next at

When you separate them, it's ESTHER WRITES AT . WORDPRESS . COM
Join them together, it's
Creative, right? =P

Do re-link me if you have a blog and feel free to read my updates there at Wordpress from now on. Byebye toilet paper blog and hello happy-looking blog!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

If you haven't caught "Prince of Persia", go catch it! I personally like it for its effects, story line and great ending. There were some quote-worthy moments too.
Though Jake Gyllenhaal was the star, I think Ben Kingsley, who acted as his uncle in the movie, stole the show with his convincing acting.

In one of the scenes, Jake Gyllenhaal's character was speaking to his elder brother, and his older brother related this line to him when the truth is revealed. I try to paraphrase because I can't remember the whole line.

"A king can seek counsel from many, but he knows what to do in his heart."

The gist of the quote, as I remember, is that we can seek advice from many, but in his heart, he should know what is the right course to pursue.

After I graduate, I hear so many people advising me about what to do.

"Perhaps, you should try applying a job at XXX organisation? The pay is not bad."
"You should continue your studies while you are still young"
"How about coming in to XXX organisation? It should be beneficial to you."
"What do you want to do in life ultimately? Oh... this? Then, you should start doing it now."

Do I know what is in my heart then? I prayerfully say, I do. (:

Following the education system throughout the whole of my life, it has always been one stage after another, with a fair bit of certainty. However, my university graduation reminds me that it is no longer about travelling on the road most taken anymore. It's time to carve out my own road and shape my own destiny for the Lord!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I am soooo dead tired. Busy, busy, super-packed June!
And it's not even my official work life. I doubt work life is going to be like THAT.

But I won't let this lethargy sacrifice my time with the Lord. God's word will be my strength and joy.

What to expect from here